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Company – GR Infotech
Big Data empowering
IT Solutions
Business Challenges
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Company overview

Since 2005, GRInfotech has been providing IT solutions for customers in various branches and industries. Our expertise and experience in the area of Software and Application Development, Retail and E-commerce, Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Education and e-learning, Digital Media and Marketing is immense and we are active in these markets and look forward to expand our domains in the future. With a decade of experience in IT industry, we know exactly which complex IT challenges you are facing and what solutions are needed for this. Besides, ourdedicated Technology consultants and subject matter experts (SME) will bring new ideas to the table, offer customized and cost-effective solutions based on client’s requirements and assist them in improving the strategy, organisation operations and information systems. Theteam of experienced developers at GRInfotech have relevant skillsets and specialised knowledge in respective domains that makes your processes more efficient, flexible, simpler, smarter and in particular more sustainable.

Helping businesses evolve by delivering most eminent technology and IT solutions.

GRInfotech has wide experience in different markets. Our objective is to transform our know-how into valuable technology that helps businesses in various sectors. We work on markets such as Software and Application Development, Retail and E-commerce, Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Education and e-learning, Digital Media and Marketing.

Need forward-thinking software solutions?

Our projects are driven by great ideas. We will be glad to hear yours too. Strike up a conversation with us!

Outstanding team of programmers.  I have never given a solid 5.0 to any of the three teams I have worked with.

Excellent work ethic, excellent people, excellent performance.

Jerry, USA

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