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Careers – GR Infotech


GRInfotech is a distributive technology company and our main focus is work from anywhere and collabroate as a team using latest tools.  GRInfotech team is a collection of highly experienced individuals who believe in excellence and they were hand picked based on various factors.   GRInfotech team goes through complete training on the field extensively before the job so that we can excel in the job.   We focus on nurturing our team and providing best tools and environment so they can focus easily on the work and come up with good and clear solutions.

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Fords

So “Join Our Team” For Mutual Success

When you work at GRInfotech, you will be part of high performing team so that you can communicate with the team and learn lot on latest technologies.  We are efficiency driven professionals who focus on giving right solutions for the given problems.

We are doing specilization in the following industries

  • Renewable Energy Domain
  • Data Science
  • Digital Branding
  • Building Scalable Web and mobile applications

Our core policy is “Work from Anywhere” based on your skills and domain.  At GRInfotech we value each individual contribution to the team and leveraging skills with the team for better performance of the individual.  At GRInfotech we have distributed consultants in different regions with different skills set and you can select based on your needs.

Open positions

Job Posting Title Location Department Date
PHP Developer Chennai Development December 7, 2022
Digital Marketing Specialist Chennai Marketing December 7, 2022
Need forward-thinking software solutions?

Our projects are driven by great ideas. We will be glad to hear yours too. Strike up a conversation with us!

It has been a year since I first started working with Anandan. Every day from the day that he started with us has been a pleasure. We took on anandan at first to help with some coding. But we soon realized that we found a a very smart coder and leader who thinks outside of the box. 1 year on and i regret to say that we must part ways with Anandan because we have no more work to send him. I will 100% reach out to Anandan in the future. Thank you my friend.

Ivor, Denmark

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